In today’s changing market, there’s more to a successful

closing than just getting the offer accepted. Make sure you have an

agent capable of guiding you from start to close!










Once you've made an offer on a home and all contingencies have been met by both parties, closing on the property becomes final. Closing costs are generally 4% of your loan amount, but this can vary. To help you get a sense of what's left to be done, here are 10 steps involved in closing the deal:
  1. Draw up a purchase offer with detailed contingencies in place
  2. Seller accepts the deal or counteroffers with contingencies and price changes of their own
  3. Submit your deposit, also known as "earnest money"
  4. Apply for your…

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In today’s changing market, there’s more to a successful

closing than just getting the offer accepted. Make sure you have an

agent capable of guiding you from start to close!











  1. Review Needs/Wants: Sit down and review your needs and wants.  Priority wants, as you most likely won’t find a home that covers all of them.
  2. Assess Areas Of Interest: If schools or other amenities are important, be sure to assess those as part of your search.
  3. Setup Property Showings: Once you’ve defined your criteria and areas of interest, your Cascade Team agent will go to work showing you homes.
  4. What To Expect In The Process: The most important thing is for you to understand what to expect going through…

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Recovery Slows, but Remains Steady

It may feel as if the housing recovery is slowing to certain finality, but its overall health is still improving.  Existing home sales have been declining monthly and new homes starts have fallen flat – but year over year, the local housing market is still showing growth. As we see areawide increases in price cuts and accessibility begins to improve, the market will continue to strengthen as affordability constraints ease up, even as mortgage rates continue to rise.

The Transition to a Buyer’s Market

Surges in both mortgage rates and demand, coupled with a lack of supply, brought steady hikes in sale prices in 2018. While 2019 will continue to bring healthy growth, home value increases will stabilize, making…

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Courage is refined, renewed and revealed in ordinary everyday living. Courage is never the preserve of the heroes or the powerful. The choice to choose courage for daily living is life-altering. How about choosing the word “courage” as your daily word for 2018?

Now is the time to start setting the “Table” for your real estate business for 2018. At the Cascade Team we will show you step-by-step exactly what our top performers do to get to the positions they are at. Unlike at other companies, The Cascade Team will help you develop a business plan, implement it, and help hold you accountable to reaching the results and goals you set for yourself!

Our past "Rookie Of The Year" never had a real estate license before joining The Cascade Team and…

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