Costco and the City of Issaquah reached a deal on a new 640,000-square-foot building, expected to open in 2020.

The retailer plans to add a nine-story, 620,000-square-foot office building and adjacent parking garage with about 1,650 stalls at its Issaquah campus.

The new building will mark the first construction after an agreement from a few years ago that allowed Costco to build 1.5 million square feet of new office space, and in exchange, the city and Costco agreed to partner 50/50 on nearly $50 million in new street improvements.

Costco is by far the biggest employer in the Seattle suburb. The retailer moved its headquarters to Issaquah in 1994. The new office building and parking garage at Costco’s Issaquah campus could make room for as…

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The only thing more scary than paying too high of a commission to sell your home… Is realizing that you don’t have too while getting even MORE service and support than most brokerages offer at a higher fee!

The Cascade Team Agents are Full Service. We are a real estate company like no other, because of the tools, service and savings we provide our clients with. We understand that in today’s fast paced environment, we need to provide a high level of service, utilize technology to keep our clients up to date at all times and provide added value to both buyers and sellers in the transaction. By leveraging these technological tools, it allows our agents to focus more of their time to servicing our clients, and also provide the most comprehensive…

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What do real estate agents believe is the most important thing to consider when looking to buy or sell a witch’s house?

Incantation, incantation, incantation!... (That has to be worth at least one laugh! I get a shout out on Facebook even if you smiled at that one!)

“Location” is second, followed by price and historical significance, so a house in Peabody, Massachusetts, belonging to a man found guilty at the infamous Salem witch trials should sell pretty quickly at $600,000 or best offer – especially since it’s one of the oldest homes in the U.S., and was the residence of John Proctor, the most famous of the falsely accused witches. How many baths? Let’s find out.

If you want to find out about John Proctor, who was hanged, his pregnant…

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It is getting to be "That" time of year after all, so I thought we would kick things off with some "True" frightening tales from real estate professionals from around the country. You might want to think twice about reading these before heading off to an Open House though! Wahhhhhhh…….


Real estate professionals are a brave bunch. You walk into unfamiliar homes every day, prepared to deal with whatever lurks inside. Hopefully, the scariest thing you find is a seller’s outdated sense of style. But some properties have more insidious issues that staging can’t fix.

No strangers to haunted houses, many practitioners have real-life horror stories of dealing with creepy, ghostly circumstances in the course of their daily work. With…

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Are your sellers ready for a buyer's market?

  • Inventory increases by 22.9 percent throughout Western Washington
  • King County leads inventory gains with 78 percent year-over-year increase.
  • Buyers could choose from 19,526 listings nearly double the inventory from February of this year.

 KIRKLAND, Washington (October 4, 2018) – Housing inventory continued to improve during September
while the pace of sales slowed in many counties served by Northwest Multiple Listing Service. “Balance is
finally returning to the market, and with it, slowing home price growth,” stated OB Jacobi, president of
Windermere Real Estate.

A new report from Northwest MLS shows double-digit increases in inventory in several of the 23 counties it
serves, led by a 78…

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The Only Thing Scarier Than Paying A Desk Fee is Realizing You Don’t Have To!


Make this Halloween the year you finally elevate your career with increased sales and income by joining The Cascade Team. We'll show you exactly how our brokers outperform the average agent and keep more money in their pockets. We have first year agents make 6 (Six) figure incomes right out the gate on a regular basis.

Our "Rookie Of The Year" for 2017 never had a real estate license before joining The Cascade Team and completed 121 transaction his first year! We will literally show you step-by-step exactly how and what to do so this can be YOU next year!

Brokers At The Cascade Team Sell More

If your current or old brokerage has left you…

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