In the "Spirit" of the season we wanted to share with you a few Halloween Fun facts that you might find interesting and if you are in the Sammamish/Issaquah area please come by and join us for Terror At Trossachs on Halloween evening from 5:30 until 8:30!

  • "Halloween" is short for "Hallows' Eve"  which was the evening before All Hallows' Day celebrated on November 1.
  • Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween.
  • The word "witch" comes from the Old English wicce, meaning "wise woman." In fact, wiccan were highly respected people at one time. According to popular belief, witches held one of their two main meetings on Halloween night.   
  • According to Irish legend, Jack O'Lanterns are named after a stingy man named…

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spooky house at night

October 2017 | By REALTOR® Magazine Staff  

Real estate professionals are a brave bunch. You walk into unfamiliar homes every day, prepared to deal with whatever lurks inside. Hopefully, the scariest thing you find is a seller’s outdated sense of style. But some properties have more insidious issues that staging can’t fix.

No strangers to haunted houses, many practitioners have real-life horror stories of dealing with creepy, ghostly circumstances in the course of their daily work. With Halloween around the corner, REALTOR® Magazine asked its readers to share their most frightening experiences in the field. From paranormal occurrences during showings to apparitions in listing photos, read on ... if you dare.

‘It Wanted Me…

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Every house has a story, but these may be the most terrifying.

In honor of Halloween, take a closer look at the real-life dwellings that inspired or set the scene for some of your favorite scary movies.

A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984.

"One two...Freddy's coming for you."

No, it's not "only a dream." Nancy's house from the 1984 slasher film really does exist.

PHOTO: The home located at 1428 N Genesee Avenue in Los Angeles, from the film 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' (Zillow Listings)

Located at 1428 N. Genesee Avenue, in Los Angeles, California, the 2,700-square-foot colonial was sold in 2013 for $2.1 million.

It appears that not much has changed about the three-bedroom house except the blue door has been painted red…

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An artistic rendering of the completed house. Courtesy of Paul Wegener

With Halloween right around the corner and of course the impending zombie apocalypse due to hit any day, we thought we would spotlight this beauty that just hit the market in Atlanta for a cool $14 Million. Not only does it have everything from a 30 car garage with a secret waterfall entry, ballistic bedroom doors, and 3 artisan wells providing an unlimited water supply... It's darn stylish too!

Call it the Wayne Manor of the South. 

The cream-colored, colonnaded façade of the Rice House, situated on 3.5 acres just outside Atlanta, hides far more than a private theater, bowling alley, and infinity swimming pool.

A rendering of the sprawling car…

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Welcome to Terror At Trossachs 2017! 

After 7 years of living in Trossachs and putting on our yearly Terror At Trossachs presentation our kids are now both seniors in High School and about to head out for collage and the next great adventure in their lives. So while we’ll still hand out treats every year, 2017 will be the last production full of animatronics, live actors, and more scares than you can shake a stick at for the trick-or-treaters who venture through the Trossachs neighborhood of Sammamish.

For those kids who make it to the front door we promise FULL Sized candy bars AND plenty of scares along the path! It’s been a lot of fun watching the kids come back year after year; and chatting with those who chickened out a year before, but…

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Many said they could be convinced to live amongst spirits if it the price was right, or if it was in the right neighborhood.

With inventories so tight, many consumers say they’re even willing to live in a haunted house.

Thirty-three percent of more than 1,000 consumers recently surveyed say they’re willing to live in a haunted house, and another 25 percent said they’d consider it, according to a newly released survey by®.

“Haunted houses are a popular attraction this time of year, but we wanted to see how many people would actually live in one,” says Sarah Staley, a housing expert who commented on the study’s findings. “What we found may be a sign of today’s tight housing market, or for many living in a haunted house doesn’t have…

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Okay; It’s Friday the 13th during the month of October with full Halloween in effect… There must be some real estate lessons we can nuance out of this right?

Friday the 13th is an unlucky day if you’re superstitious. And in case you haven’t noticed, it’s here! But we like to think we are people who see the glass as half-full. We prefer to look at the doomed day as an opportunity to reflect upon some unexpected nuggets of—you guessed it—real estate wisdom.

To prove that valuable real estate knowledge truly can be found anywhere, we’ve turned to Jason Voorhees from “Friday the 13th” and (spoiler alert!) his nutty, murderous mother for inspiration. The hockey mask–wearing horror icon is an unlikely choice, but no one personifies the dreaded…

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The only thing more scary than paying too high of a commission to sell your home… Is realizing that you don’t have too while getting even MORE service and support than most brokerages offer at a higher fee!

The Cascade Team Agents are Full Service. We are a real estate company like no other, because of the tools, service and savings we provide our clients with. We understand that in today’s fast paced environment, we need to provide a high level of service, utilize technology to keep our clients up to date at all times and provide added value to both buyers and sellers in the transaction. By leveraging these technological tools, it allows our agents to focus more of their time to servicing our clients, and also provide the most comprehensive…

3142 Views, 0 Comments Ranks The 2017 Best Places to Raise a Family in Washington: Sammamish#1/ Issaquah #11/Snoqualmie #15/ Find Your City Here

2017 Best Places to Raise a Family Methodology

The 2017 Best Places to Raise a Family ranking provides a comprehensive assessment of key factors that are meaningful for families. This grade takes into account key factors, such as the quality of local schools, safety, affordability, and access to family amenities, in an attempt to measure the appeal of an area for families.

Factors Considered

Factor Description Source Weight
Public Schools Grade Based on the average Niche K-12 Overall Grade for every public school serving the area, where each school is weighted by the number of students it…

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KIRKLAND, Washington (October 5, 2017) – “October will be the best month for selection and availability until late February,” proclaimed J. Lennox Scott when commenting on the latest statistics from Northwest Multiple Listing Service.

MLS figures for September show inventory reached 1.7 months of supply at the end of the month, matching the year-to-date high in February. That level is still well below the 4-to-6 months of supply that many industry analysts use as an indicator of a balanced market.

Scott said buyer intensity for new listings is higher today than a year ago. “We continue to have very strong buyer demand as the typical seasonal slowdown begins for new listings.” Other industry leaders agreed seasonal adjustments are underway.

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